Friday, September 29, 2017


This happens as enough of us agree to manifest it.

Forgiveness of Debts

The Asylum Project is a children's movement,
a Jesus Christ movement, an indigenous mother earth movement
this is our

the Asylum Project competes with government by providing public service.   This public-service nonprofit transcends contemporary categories by bridging the gap between religion, education, politics, and economics, by cornering the market on holistically-integrated permaculture.

Sustainable civilization will be required to create healthy working relationships between religion, education, politics, economics, and science.  They can't be compartmentalized forever without acknowledging the impact they have on one another.  These categories act as a feedback loop, influencing each other as they evolve.  For permaculture to be sustainable it must be holistic - the whole doesn't improve when its parts get weaker, the whole improves when parts get stronger and more resilient.  Through the anticipation of future market demand, the Asylum Project delivers entertaining and educational media content that captures imaginations, lifts spirits, and changes lives, by proving that helping one another is profitable both for our souls and for the marketplace.

In put up with one another, it would seem, we must be willing to get along, and the only way (lets face it) the only way to get along is to forgive one another, over and over again, as a way of life.

Am I the only one who thinks its really weird that Hitler invaded Russia but not Switzerland? Am I crazy or Did Napoleon do the same friggin thing? I mean, if Swiss banks have all the money then why not rob them - at least, for a friggin colossal mass murderer it doesn't seem to be to big a thing. You know, all in a days work and all.  The truth is Napoleon and Hitler were both financed by the Babylonian-Freemasonic banks hidden in "neutral" (i.e. politically off-limits) Switzerland, and these petty dictators wouldn't bite the hand that fed them.  All wars are banker's wars.  These friggin multi-generational banking families - these criminal politicians, these media scumbags... we're gonna have to forgive all of the sons of bitches.  Its gonna suck.  But we gotta do it.

Do you see how real sustainability requires beginning inside our bodies, with our emotional content and the contents of our minds?  This is meditation - the process of learning to tolerate, and ultimately love, ourselves.  Hopefully it is becoming apparent that real healing must begin within us and work from the inside out.  Keeping in mind the fractal nature of the universe, a truly holistic permaculture must begin deep within the individual and percolate outwards towards the macrocosm.  I would posit that meditation and yoga are catalysts for the permaculture movement, for these are both movements towards wholeness.  Meditation and yoga are movements towards personal wholeness, while permaculture is the movement towards collective wholeness.  The words "holistic," " integrated," and "consilient"  all describe the journey towards a more sustainable existence, both in the microcosm (yoga) and the macrocosm (permaculture).  

The Asylum Project lays out the blueprint for a world full of abundance, peace, prosperity, and stability:  Requisites for sustainable civilization.  Plus we throw down heaps of love, and a general good time, so dig in - we've got a lot to accomplish!

Happiness Is ethical

Government is just a business with no competition.  Government is in the business of public service, doing a terrible job, and generally bought and paid for by big business.  In fact we could call government the political wing of the Too Big To Fail Banks.  Religion, of course, being the religious cover of the Too Big To Fail Banks.

Government has been hijacked by the world's most successful criminal enterprises, and has as such become the face of the world's most criminal enterprise:  the printing of usurious fiat currency.

Introduce some competition.  Lets see how government fares in the public service marketplace, with their dismal record and their exorbitant fees.  Lets see the competition capture market share.  Lets see the competition raise the bar of public service, lets see the competition redefine what public service looks like.

Lets redesign public service through education.  Lets re-educate ourselves. 

Give a man a fish, feed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.  Lets learn how to fish.  Lets remember how to live self-sufficiently.  Lets make gardening the centerpiece of public education. 

Any and all grassroots political movements will be crushed by the authorities.  The competition's only chance to show up in the world and make a difference is in the marketplace.  A revenue earning enterprise is tolerated by the state, as long as the state gets its pound of flesh.

And what sort of revenue earning enterprise might the state tolerate?  Why, an entertaining, one, of course!  If the enterprise is openly known to aspire towards competing (and winning!) with government, government is almost certain to crush it effectively simply by never letting it get off the ground.  The only way to stay below government's radar is to appear benign.  The evolutionary leap of socialnetworkism must take place under the cover of art, and it must be good art.  It must be art that sells.

Because free market socialnetworkism is creative.  And it is heart-centered.  It is not fundamentally materialistic, it is fundamentally spiritual, because it is consciously ethical.  We are not in it for personal gain, we are in it for the joy of useful service, knowing in faith that our needs will be met.  This is the ultimate and final act of rational self-interest - putting others first in the pursuit of genuine happiness.  Real happiness does not lie in selfish ambition - trying to be happy by being selfish is like trying to get a suntan on a submarine.  Real happiness lies in helping others.  And a critical mass is getting wise to the trick of being happy.

So how do we sell real happiness?  The one rule of marketing goes like this:  Its not what we're selling.  it's who's buying, that counts.  In this case, our target market is under siege from materialistic, usury-based servants of mammon, if you will -

Our target market is slaves who yearn for freedom - rebels who will never stop until Empire is overthrown.  Selling nonviolent, artistically creative, spiritual rebellion has a proven track record.  Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley and Jimi Hendrix all had it in common.  The revolution won't be televised, it will be sung and danced... Hasta la victoria siempre - viva la Republique!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Yoga, politics, and the blockchain

Yoga practice is basically community organizing.  The community is the body - the arms, the legs, the trunk, etc.  learning how to work together for maximum effect with minimum effort.  The community of parts working together for the benefit of the whole takes place in yoga practice as well as in political governance. The fractal nature of reality means that change in the microcosm is recapitulated in the macrocosm - you knew that already, right?

The ego is the deep state.  Yoga ruins the ego, because yoga takes us out of our head into our body.  We start breathing, and we start feeling, and we're no longer thinking about the stuff our ego wants us to keep thinking about.

Imagine a pyramid with an all-seeing eye on the top.  That's the deep ego - it's in charge of the body, and so the body does things that are good for the ego even if they aren't good for the body.  The deep ego rules the body, and the deep state rules the government.

Now imagine a torus - a tall donut, with energy moving up the inside and down the outside.  Instead of a pyramid with an ego at the top we now have a personality that is integrated as a whole - the feet, the arms, the gut, the heart, everything is felt.  The transition away from the pyramid towards the torus is the transition away from the ego into the body - the fruit of yoga practice.  Yoga can actually be defined as the journey from our heads to our hearts.

The ancients taught that as above, so below, and as within, so without.  As in the macrocosm, so in the microcosm.  Now that quantum physics has established that we live in a fractal universe, these laws are seen to be valid.  And so we see that the movement away from the ego towards the body taking place within us is replicated in the outside world by the movement away from the deep state towards cybernetic political representation - direct political representation through online media platforms.  Cybernetic political representation is the death knell of the deep state, which can only operate in an absence of transparency.

 Through social media, we will be voting not just our politics but our entire range of preferences, and these preferences will be stored on a public, decentralized ledger.   The blockchain is the public ledger which non locally and transparently stores and displays our preferences.  In the end the blockchain is how we will achieve voting transparency and a stable, peaceful, participatory, sustainable Republic, which is the prerequisite to a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable civilization.  Using the blockchain we will voluntarily invest in the commons, in cost-effectively optimal fashion, donating our attention and our resources to the causes which are worthy or them.  Preventative care is both cost-effective and compassionate, so we will use the blockchain to invest in the long-term health and welfare of our planet and our collective capacity to nurture and provide for future generations.  Government won't do it - government is in the business of creating war, conflict, scarcity... divide and consume. Government is doing the work of the uninitiated masculine, just like religion.  This is going to happen on the open market, because the general public is destined to invest heavily in any viable alternative to unsustainable civilization.  It's not communism, it's not capitalism, it's not exactly socialism, its more like socialnetworkism.  Yup.  Not even joking.

The robots are going to take all our jobs, so after the debt jubilee, you know what we're going to do?  We're going to collect our universal basic income while we sit around and vote our preferences for a few hours a day from the convenience of our smartphone, because civic participation is not just our duty but our job.  You may think I'm joking, but I assure you I come from the future and I'm living through time backwards, and the reality I'm describing is the reality that I remember from a long time ago - I'm just trying to get back home.

Anyway.  It's not a bad future, I must say-