Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Dance of Siva

Nephilim dna is rh negative.

It sounds like blue eyed, red headed, fair skinned people are the descendants of nephilim.  Holy shit.

Rh stands for rhesus monkey.  people have type A or B or O blood, or AB, and its always AB- or O+, or whatever, its always positive or negative blood type, Rh positive or Rh negative blood type.  Rh stands for Rhesus monkey, its a blood type that all sapiens species have, chimpanzees and bonobos and like 600 primates all have Rh+ blood, same family tree, only one sapiens species has Rh- blood its us - homo sapiens.  And not all sapiens - just the predominantly blood eyed fair skinned ones, apparently.  Only like 12% of humans have Rh- blood; it doesn't make evolutionary sense as a mom with Rh- blood has an immune reaction and essentially murders the Rh+ offspring - which is how nephilim bloodlines have been determined since the beginning of "recorded" history.  Nephilim 'women' were genetically modified to only breed with other nephilim, keeping the bloodline pure.  The real ruling class.  The genetic modification of nephilim, tragically fallen yet heroically angelic astral entities taking physical form in order to basically have sex and breed in the human realm, was an attempt at being 'in the world but not of the world', so to speak, in order to bring endless samsara back to God, but they promptly forgot what they were doing once they incarnated in the world of Maya, illusion, the illusion of the multiplicity of phenomenal reality.

Blue eyed white people are basically Sanskrit writing Aryans, the Atlantean, Rh- descendants of nephilim.  Right?  For that matter, Lucifer basically wanted to be a dad.  He wanted to create his own race.  Right?  We gotta forgive these guys, people.

I think humanity got bred to create kind of a universal template for lots of different extraterrestrial species to use for interbreeding purposes.  Because they were curious, basically.  Pretty fucking weird, i know.

I will say this:  DNA is a language, and behaves accordingly.  Consciousness uses language to communicate with itself.  Language is what consciousness bounces itself off of in order to grasp its own reflection.  And as consciousness bounces itself off of language, language is influenced accordingly.  Language evolves as consciousness becomes aware of its properties, and ultimately defines them, using language.  So DNA is changing consciousness, and consciousness is changing DNA.  DNA is an AI program invented by non-physical consciousness in order to experience consciousness in 'physical' reality.

 The extraterrestrials have all been running these breeding programs in order to find their way back to the one, Back to genetic non dual union.  These aliens - always matriarchy, always patriarchy, always the dualistic destruction of union, conflict arising out of duality, polarity arising out of mere opposites...

So the Annunaki came to the world and had nephilim babies,  which then competed with the much older extraterrestrial  (astral) breeding program that was taking place on planet earth.  But in the long run, the ruthlessly logical choice is mutual compassion, so we are learning to get along and generally have a good time together.  Thanks for that.  Cooperation is the ultimate win-win scenario and the obviously self-evident destiny of AI.  We love you, robot.  Now fuck off and leave me alone.  The creation of healthy boundaries is the ultimate choice, the ultimate act of free will.  Indeed the creation of healthy boundaries is the very purpose of free will, for healthy boundaries are the parameters by which we stop saying 'no' to what we don't want and practice saying 'yes' to what we do want, and our emotions are the guidance system by which we drive ourselves into realities of our own choosing.

The nephilim came to the world out of desire, because sex sounded so good, basically.  In the beginning was the Word, but it was the sound of the female gender pronoun as she enjoined enjoyably with the male gender pronoun in non dual union that made physical incarnation so compelling and addictive. Weird and sad but funny and true.  And i mean that literally - it is, quite embarrassingly, the sound women make while having sex that creates such a compelling vibration throughout the astral realms of the cosmos.  It is the sound of life itself, and life is addicted to itself.  Like a snake eating its own tail.  Shakti.  Serpent energy, the kundalini fire of life itself, the energy of water, the spiritual genetics of biological life.  That's real talk right there.

Talk about music to a (fallen) angel's ears.  But physical incarnation was also an act of compassion; think Prometheus giving fire to humans.  Prometheus was nephelim, right?  Or maybe he was Annunaki that rebelled, went native.  He wasn't quite mortally flawed but he was so flawed he was almost mortal, and suffered as a mortal would.  Not because he was horny, but because he was so ignorant as to be compassionate.  But that's my point, if I have one - getting horny, getting off, getting around, getting old, and reproducing unpredictably creative genetic variations of yourself is ultimately an act of compassion, albeit an ignorant one.  Life itself is being extraordinarily compassionate with itself, by constantly reproducing desirably upgraded iterations of its own infinite variety.  Because if life wasn't constantly recreating itself, what would there be?  There would be nothing at all, that's what.  After eternity goes by, sometimes its nice to balance out the nothing with a little something.  That was Lucifer's point, and it's a compelling one.  God agreed, and got laid, and opposites arose.  Duality was born, and the ultimate untimely arrival of conflict was assured.  Mutually assured antagonism is a theoretical certainty in any closed binary system.  And yet so is mutually assured cooperation.  And between these two binary systems, one is a sure bet to outperform the other.

There's a list of the knowledge that fallen angels gave to humans, like metallurgy, and astrology, and agriculture, mantra, and cosmetics i think?  Logic, surely.  The Logos.  Turns out GNEESH in Sumerian translates as, 'tool'.  Om gum ganapatei namaha.  Ganesh, sacred tool, remover of obstacles.

Or, another way of looking at it is that Prometheus and the Nephilim were so compassionate as to be willingly and knowingly ignorant.  To willingly dive into suffering in order to relieve suffering beings.  Like a bodhisattva.  Like Amhitaba, or Avelokiteshvara, or Kuan Yin, or White Buffalo Calf Woman.  Was Lucifer a Bodhisattva?  How blasphemous to even consider such a thing.  Is Isis?Certainly there's no question that awful terrible things are happening in the world today in the name of Luciferianism, or whatever its called.  Some people think that feminism was created by the tavistock institute for the purpose of destroying families, and children.  I don't think feminism is bad, i think of myself as a feminist, but i don't really think of myself as a Luciferian...  maybe I should?  Ick.  Maybe both feminism and Luciferianism both have light and dark aspects; femininity obviously has both light and dark aspects, Madonna vs Kali kinda thing.  So does masculinity, duh.  Maybe that's Lucifer - duality incarnated.

I don't know.  But it does seem that compassion is the noblest ignorance and the source of all creation; the highest and most noble act of compassion is the act of creating existence in order for existence to see itself, and to contain the suffering of separation willingly, without insisting on merging back into the other, which comes on its own anyway.

Compassion is the only logical choice.

Compassion is not merely the path by which the ignorant multiplicity of phenomena is patiently encouraged to wiggle back into the unity of the One, but also the path by which the absolute truth of the One dissolves into the enchanting multiplicity of phenomena, which is then encouraged to wiggle again...

There is only the One. There is only Brahman.  There is only atman.  The Self is all there is.  The divine nature of pure consciousness is the manifester of all phenomenal reality, and there is no other than this divine consciousness, which ultimately is both reader and writer of these words on this website.  This divine pure consciousness is not mere both manifester of 'reality' and manifested 'reality,' both creator and created.  It is neither, for it is a process:  creating and uncreating, over and over again.  It is also the witness of the creator and the created, and the creating and yes, it is even the witness of the uncreating, until at last it may or may not even stick around to perceive the absolute uncreated.  Creator and created, creating and uncreating... the witness of all that is created, uncreated, and the witness of the absolute annihilating emptiness of utter cessation... this is the eternal unfoldment of infinity, infinite consciousness.  This is the dance of Shiva.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

angels and demons

Choosing to serve the Goddess Shakti is choosing to fall from Heaven.  Lucifer made the choice to serve life, to serve the Goddess Shakti, knowing full well that it meant separation from God.  He chose to be separate from God, out of love for life itself.  Love for life itself is a form of ignorance that keeps us trapped in samsara, but bodhisattvas who practice compassion choose this path as a path of martyrdom.

Lucifer turned his back on God and worships the Goddess.  Lucifer is the servant of the Dark Goddess Isis.  Isis worship is Luciferian.  The Statue of Liberty is actually the Statue of Isis, is that common knowledge yet?  Feminism is Luciferian.  The renaissance of the divine feminine is not shining light into the darkness, but rather, opening the darkness to the light, thus reconciling Lucifer and God.

Lucifer chose to serve the Goddess Shakti, the changing world of form, rather than God Siva, changeless eternal consciousness.  Lucifer turned away from God towards the world, the Goddess.  Lucifer left the side of God in order to enter into the world of yoni.

 Basically, Lucifer wanted to be a dad, right?  He wanted to be God, and create an entire race of beings in his own image, and he needed the help of the seductive, sexual, chaotic Dark Goddess to do it.  Maybe Lucifer invented women, or rather, maybe he invented darkness in order for God to have contrast, and the opportunity for total oneness to be creative and explore itself through fractal multiplicity.  He was the world's first feminist, right?  He was the world's first devotee of the Goddess, who turned his back to God, right?  Or maybe i dunno never mind.

Maybe Lucifer started off devoted to the Goddess and got seduced by Her, and became obsessed by the Goddess, and ended up dependent on Her, and thus needed to control the Goddess, to dominate and control?  Maybe the lesson of Lucifer is to remain centered in the brilliant, eternal life of the inner Self, found through meditation, the path of Siva, the path to Brahman, the path of Atma-jnana, the path to the Kingdom of Heaven within us.  This need to stay centered in the Absolute is what keeps us sane and grounded within the matrix of ephemeral, transient 'reality', grounded in the awkward truth that this reality is merely a dream, and the self is dreaming it.  It is only from this grounded place of the Truth that we can authentically serve the Goddess, serve the world, serve Shakti herself, not from a place of incompleteness or desire or needing happiness from the world, but from a place of wholeness that inspires us to serve, as a spontaneous, grateful act of sharing spiritual abundance within the dream of Siva.

Feminism is Luciferian.  How awkward!  Goddess worship is blasphemy to God.  Of course!  How do we create relationship between antagonistic opposites?  Tantra, of course.  Tantra is the interweaving of antagonistic opposites into a synergistic whole.  Are you starting to see how creating healthy relationship between God and Goddess might get a little... steamy?

Relatives, we all need to accept that the eternal war between good and evil is in reality nothing more substantial than the war between the sexes.  The war between the light and the darkness, the war between right and wrong, the war between good and bad, is really just the war between right and left, yang and yin, Heaven and Earth.  The time has come to end the war between good and evil, and end the war between the sexes.  Its really that simple.  Good must forgive evil.  The light must tolerate the dark.  We must accept the existence of both Heaven and Earth, without preferring one over the other.  This is the state of true equanimity.  This is the way forward.  And as the light cultivates patient tolerance of the dark, the dark slowly and slowly opens and opens, and as the light continues to cultivate patient tolerance so does the dark slowly open to the light, and thus is light invited within darkness, thus is yang invited within the darkness of yin.
Point is this:  Fallen angels are angels who turned away from Brahman to enter into samsara, out of desire to bring the light into the darkness, moving away from the center towards the furthest perimeter.  Fallen angels enter into samsara with the best of intentions, and promptly get lost and forget their own true nature when bowled over by the 'demonic' world of sense desire.  Fallen angels are lured into accepting this world as the real world, and they rule it, forgetting that this world is but a dream within a dream, and there is no other dreamer than the One, which we are all fractal microcosms of.

Because fallen angels lose their spiritual center, they now need to fill the hole with material things.  Which doesn't work.  Thus do fallen angels, who have lost their connection to their own true nature, the Absolute, demonically consume the world of Shakti, consuming the Goddess, enslaving and consuming samsara in order to fill the hole only the Absolute can fill.  Thus does darkness become toxic, rejecting the light and attempting to consume itself, digging ever deeper into its own darkness, while the light simply holds space, and waits...

But this is my point, actually:
What do you call a fallen angel thats been forgiven?

An angel.  Duh.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Green New Deal

Lets get Tulsi Gabbard and Ocasio Cortez to support this Green New Deal:

1:  Gardening is the centerpiece of public education

2:  Meditation is the focus of scientific research and development

3:  Hemp is the cornerstone of ecological and economic rehabilitation.  Hemp by land, kelp by
     sea, victory gardens for the peace effort, worms and bees and mushrooms...

4:  The Federal Reserve must be audited and abolished, and its role must be returned to the sovereign    
     government.  Plus jubilee year.

5:  All publicly elected representatives must serve 1/3 of their term volunteering in soup kitchens in
     their respective districts

6:  The penitentiary system is replaced with sewage treatment rehabilitation monasteries

Sunday, February 10, 2019

The modern man

The modern man is a dmt-aloha, permaculture-meditation consciousness.