Thursday, September 16, 2021

Let Freedom reign


 While Joe Biden forces companies to force workers to get vaccinated or else, Vladimir Putin says "no one should be forced to get a jab.  Pressure, where people may lose their jobs, is even less acceptable."

So the inescapable conclusion is that Vladimir Putin is now the leader of the Free World.   

Freedom is in good hands, actually.  With Avangarde hypersonic missiles, 5th generation warplanes that outperform the competition, million-dollar anti-ship missiles that make billion-dollar aircraft carriers obsolete, electronic counter-measures that shut down Imperial radar, and S-400/S-500 strategic deterrence, freedom is fiercely well-defended.  It must be, for it is under attack from all directions by Imperial Fascist forces.  It is a war for survival:  A global fascist empire cannot coexist with sovereign nation-states.  Something has to give, and Russia's sovereign self-defence capabilities means freedom isn't going anywhere.  Jesus Christ Amen.

"The corporate state is the fascist state," is a quote famously attributed to Mussolini.  And according to Both Stanford University and former President Jimmy Carter, America is no longer a functioning democracy. 

We have seen Empire, and it is us.

Rome is falling, relatives.  Imperial fascism is collapsing under its own obese, corrupt weight.  Man cannot have two masters, for he will love the one and hate the other.  Western Civilization has turned its back on God in order to worship mammon.  We have been manipulated into abandoning the innate spirituality that is our birthright, in order to worship at the altar of materialism.  But the truth is coming to light, and all that is hidden is being revealed.  The age of Aquarius is the age of information, the age of transparency.  And so we are witnessing the fall of mammon's Empire. 

Turn your backs on mammon's Empire, relatives.  The time has come for America to look at itself honestly in the mirror and acknowledge the truth of what it sees.  The time has come to turn our backs on mammon's Empire, an empire of material wealth, and remember our relationship with Spirit  - the world that cannot be bought or sold, the world of values where love and loyalty and trust and solidarity and forgiveness and compassion and tolerance and peace and fairness and freedom are ideas worth believing in, defending, and sacrificing for.  Humanity is making the longest journey we have ever made:  We are making the journey from our heads to our hearts. 

...but i digress.  In brief:

In Putin's Russia, oligarchs defer to the government.

In Biden's America, the government defers to the oligarchs.

In Putin's Russia, corporations are beholden to the sovereign State.

In Biden's America, the sovereign State is beholden to the corporations.

America is fascist, relatives.  All the pseudo-intellectual conservative commentaries are warning about the perils of socialism or communism, claiming that America is being taken over by communists.  They are wrong.  Since when does communism have corporate sponsorship, with the backing of George Soros and international capital?  If the too-big-to-fail-global capital banks and their cartels are sponsoring a regime change, that's not socialism.  Socialism would nationalize the too-big-to-fail cartels, and invest the profits into public service.  Like Yugoslavia used to, before we bombed them.  

No.  When the largest corporate cartels in the world are sponsoring a regime change for profit, that's not socialism.  That's fascism.  That's the for-profit corporate state infringing on sovereign rights.  America is a fascist empire, opposed by a rebel alliance of national sovereign governments with a track record of nationalizing corporations and investing the profits into public service.

We have seen the enemy, and it is us, relatives.  And as we see the devastation our deceit has caused, to the world and ourselves, we at long last come of age, to a maturity that allows us to look at ourselves, our loved ones, our veterans, and the world at large, and speak the words of the Hawaiian Ho'o Pono Pono prayer:

I love you

I'm sorry

Please forgive me

Thank you

... This is what must be done, for us to regain our integrity.  For our integrity is the source of our strength.  America has lost its strength, because America has lost its integrity.  And a heartfelt prayer for forgiveness, not merely from God but equally from our fellow man, is the path of healing into wholeness.  Where there is no part of humanity left out, no aspect of the living world of nature bereft of the sacred and divinity. 

Victor Hugo said, 

"No army in the world can stop an idea whose time has come,"  

Buckminster Fuller said, 

"Its all of us or none of us,"  

and Dwight Eisenhower said, 

"I think the people of this world want peace so bad, one of these days the government is going to have to get out of the way and let them have it." 

Relatives, that day has come.  It's all of us or none of us, and we all want peace so bad the government is gonna have to get out of the way and let us have it.  No army in the world can stop us.  No army in the world wants to.  It's our army.  It's composed of, entirely and exclusively, us.  Because we are all related, and its all of us or none of us.  Me vs. You, or Us vs. Them,  is archaic, obsolete and self-destructive.  Humanity is in this together.  Survival is a non-zero sum game.  It's all of us or none of us.

So let us remember the necessary virtue of tolerance, wherein we tolerate differences that we do not necessarily embrace or even enjoy.  We tolerate differences, because we know that we are part of the family of humanity, which is part of the web of life, which is a sacred mystery. 

And let us equally heed the necessary virtue of justice, which exists quite literally to protect and defend the vulnerable from exploitation.  In an unjust world the weak are defenseless against the strong.  It requires justice for the vulnerable to be safe and free.  A civilization is judged according to how well it treats its most vulnerable.  A civilized world treats its people with justice.


Privilege is a responsibility.  Privilege is the responsibility to serve those less privileged.  The West has been corrupted into believing that privilege is the opportunity to exploit those less privileged.   In business this is referred to as arbitrage.  It is becoming increasingly clear that treating privilege as a responsibility to serve leads to a sustainable civilization, whereas treating privilege as an opportunity to exploit leads to the collapse of civilization.  How do we choose to live with our privilege?

The good news is, serving others makes us happy.  Trying to be happy by being selfish is like trying to get a suntan on a submarine.  It's just not going to work.  And so we are witnessing the death throes of late-stage capitalism, a bleeding monster that cries out defiantly, "He who dies with the most toys wins!" even as it gasps its last breath.  Rational self-interest isn't wrong, it just hasn't been thought through enough.  Dying with the most toys doesn't make us happy.  We've tried it.  Look at Bezos.  Serving others makes us happy.  The challenge then becomes maintaining healthy boundaries, wherein we properly take care of our own needs SO THAT we may properly care of the needs of others.  We can anticipate that this will get a lot easier once the for-profit cartel is forcibly removed from public service.  Imagine a government that exists to serve us, and aspires to serve us better- how will that change our willingness and ability to serve others?  With this simple axiom we enter the new paradigm.

Edgar Cayce said, "Look to Russia for the hope of the world."  He medically diagnosed 20,000 people psychically with a track record of 100% accuracy.  Not a bad psychic.  Mammon's Empire is collapsing under its own weight, with some help from a rebel alliance led by spiritual, non-materialistic values.  It actually makes complete sense.  Thoughts are things, and the material universe is governed by spiritual law.  We create what we believe, and energy flows where attention goes.  And so we continue to pray for peace, and witness the resulting victory, true Victory - victory over conflict itself.  

This is the Way.  This is the Dharma.  The dark age of materialism is over.  An era of spiritual awakening has returned.  Welcome to the dawning of a new age.

We've got a lot to accomplish.  Let's begin.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

an enlightened age

Yang rebranded Yin for political purposes.

The ancient play of opposites, duality, always follows the same pattern:
Yang judges Yin and condemns her, and thus out of Yang and Yin, Right and Wrong are born.  Good and Bad evolve out of Oneness through judgment.  The consequence of judgment is condemnation, which requires punishment.  Thus the play of duality, which begins as an effortless and loving embrace, always collapses into judgment, punishment, guilt, betrayal, and shame.  This is the fall into darkness.

Without judgment one must practice discriminating awareness.  Without discriminating awareness there is chaos.  Without infinite compassion and mercy there is conflict and war.

With gardening and meditation as the two cornerstones of public education, the world is entering into an age of sustainable civilization; an enlightened age.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sex and meditation

Religion is for people who are afraid of hell, and spirituality is for people who have already been there.

Shamans are sick people who have gotten well. 

What this means is that religion is for muggles and spirituality is for shamans.

In America, we are living through times that are fast making shamans out of all of us.  Because we have all, in various ways, been through hell.  Most of us are still going through hell.  And we are adapting to life in hell, recognizing that peace on earth requires making it bearable for ourselves without making it unbearable for anyone else.  So don't be surprised that Americans are abandoning religion.  We are embracing spirituality.  America is becoming a nonreligious, deeply spiritual people.

Thank God.  Or Goddess, whatever.  No it actually matters but both of them matter.  Not just one of them or the other. 

Lust is worship of the Goddess.  Lust is desire to reproduce life itself.  Lust is life's desire to create more life.  Lust is how angels fell from heaven, turning their backs to God in order to worship the Goddess.  Lust is the primordial agony, the primordial separation between humanity and divinity. 

Lust is the desire for more samsara.  The spiritual teachers of the ages all encourage us to master our lust, lest we become slaves of it.  True spiritual seekers are encouraged to overcome lust entirely, while the rest, who have no desire to abandon lust, are encouraged to keep that lust disciplined with morality.  This leads to moral repression, and sexual guilt, sadly.  The birth of patriarchy and inequality, dominance and sexual shaming and exploitation.  Religion.  Fear of hell.

Adam saw his own sexuality as a sin, as he discovered for himself the difference between angels and fallen angels.  He discovered both natures within himself, and condemned his own shadow.  He condemned his own yin darkness, not yet realizing that his role was to shine compassionate light into his own darkness, healing his shadow and becoming whole.  Because Adam did not forgive himself he judged himself and cast himself out of heaven, leaving the journey home up to us. 

And our journey home involves seeing our own sexuality, and forgiving it, and seeing our own fallen nature, and forgiving it, and seeing our own shadow, and forgiving it, and by shining light into our own darkness we make ourselves whole and find ourselves again in the garden, free to love. 

And yet that journey home brings with it adoration of the light which creates all love, which creates all opposites, the adoration of the eternal absolute, unmanifest within us as our own true nature.

In our pursuit of sexual fulfillment we worship the Goddess.  If, while worshipping the Goddess, we remember to worship God, and devote our minds to gratitude for the God that gives birth to Life itself, we  honor both the absolute and the relative, nirvana and samsara, God and Goddess, paying homage to both yang and yin, the monastic and the householder.  This is the point of religion - to persuade humanity to worship God as well as Goddess.  Humanity doesn't need to be taught to worship the Goddess -  our own sexual natures do that for us.  Humanity needs to be taught how to worship God, which is the absolute in relation to our relative situations, and this is done not through dogma but through meditation.  We worship the Goddess through sex and we worship God through meditation. 

Monday, September 30, 2019

Living Paradox

God is the Living Paradox.  To find God we must think outside the box, and then go outside the box.

The box is sanity.  In the successful pursuit of God we must be willing to go insane, and abandon the need for sanity.  Trust me.  I'm the voice of experience.  In the successful pursuit of God we must be willing to go beyond sane logic and in so doing go outside the box, to discover the Living Paradox.

God is the Living Paradox.  We must go beyond all order if we are to discover the cause of both order and chaos.  We must go beyond all light in order to discover the source of both light and dark, the eternal sustainable way.

The way is the sustainable way.  Our cosmos is essentially consciousness itself.  This consciousness is multi-sided and is eternally reflecting back upon itself through different dimensions.  Mind and matter are two sides of the same mirror, looking at itself.

Thus do we create reality.  Thoughts are things, and they color the pool through which we perceive the stars.

Mental realms literally create physical realms which then spur the creation of new mental realms.  What this means is that peace and prosperity are essentially mental phenomena, which lead to the creation of a physical reality of peace and prosperity, which then leads to a new idea of what peace and prosperity looks like.

The mental phenomena of peace and prosperity are mental phenomena with optimum competitive advantage.  That is, mental phenomena involving conflict ultimately must consume itself with something better in order for said conflict to resolve.  The mental phenomena of conflict is ultimately self-annihilating, as the meditating mind learns to let go of the past in order to find peace.  Letting go of the past means letting go of the mental phenomena of conflict, in order to rest in the present moment.  And so, in order to find peace, we must let go of all mental conflict, and once we know that, all mental conflict becomes an illness that we are happy to take medicine for.

That medicine is the breath.

By conscientiously taking our medicine in every waking moment, we find real peace of mind, real wellness, which manifests as health, and prosperity, and peace.  We find ourselves no longer worrying, and in that space of allowing what is to be, we manifest our most vulnerable hopes and dreams.  This is the terrifying process of losing our rational sanity to discover our inner truth.  This is the process of undoing the knowledge of the Tree of Good and evil.  It is the act of letting go of our sanity that begins the Longest Journey Humankind has ever made - the Journey from our heads to our hearts.  Our destination is the irrational wisdom of the heart, the intuitive insight that love is the source of all there is.  Only the mind beyond rationality glimpses the Living Paradox of the Truth, Love giving birth to both light and darkness.

So to cultivate optimum peace, prosperity, and wellness, for ourselves and for our world, our priority is to drop our thoughts and lean into our breath.  From this place of neutral breathing, breathing without agenda, unfiltered experience without an agenda, we find real acceptance of what is, unfiltered peace without an agenda.  And from this mental state of peace, the mind gives birth to a new physical reality, built of our own subconscious desires and beliefs.

We're all totally innocent.  We're all totally innocent.  We're all completely innocent.  We didn't know.  We really didn't know the truth.  We're all one.  We thought reality was inflicting damage on us, but really, we were inflicting damage on ourselves.  We can stop hurting ourselves now.  The war is over.

The highest warrior wages total war against the only real enemy, conflict itself.  The invincible weapon any warrior must use to defeat conflict itself is forgiveness.  Through the invincible power of forgiveness, compassion reigns supreme and Love conquers all.  All conflict is reduced to dust through the power of forgiveness.

Meditation is the process of deeply discovering ourselves, and and totally forgiving ourselves, purely for the sake of inner peace.  This is the path that leads to global peace.  We make peace our shadow, and annihilate our enemies by making friends with them.  All other paths lead to various iterations of conflict.

The one imperishable victory is victory over conflict itself.  This path is eternal, because without conflict there is no opposition!  Victory over conflict itself is the supreme path, the peace of peace.  It is invincible and eternal, for there is no resistance nor will there ever be.  Stagnation happens, certainly, but Love is a fluid flowing downstream, from the world of Spirit into the world of Matter, and just as water cannot be prevented from flowing downhill, neither can spiritual love be prevented from flowing into physical reality.

The path of forgiveness is the path of at-one-ness; the path of making whole.  Through forgiveness, opposing sides heal conflict and discover unity.  What immovable object can possibly interfere with the unstoppable force of at-one-ness?  Wholeness is the unstoppable force, for even the immovable object itself is not, and can never be, separate from Wholeness.

 You will feel the truth of what I write long before you read what I write, because deep down you are me, experiencing this truth as it is being written.  This is how consciousness evolves.  There's only one of us, experiencing reality as 'all of us'.  We are one.  We are sharing a consciousness.  I know this because I can feel it.  I know this because I AM it.  I AM consciousness itself, experiencing reality as 'all of us'.  And we are all collectively learning how to cultivate a mind of peace and wellness, which naturally leads to a world of peace and wellness, because thoughts are things.  Thoughts are the building blocks of physical reality.  And as i cultivate a mindstream in harmony with the Eternal Way, the Way of Peace, unconditionally forgiving myself and unconditionally accepting what is without inner conflict, I radiate the invincible peace of my own True Nature.
 The unstoppable force of Wholeness heals everything it comes into contact with, through the forgiveness inherent in unconditional love.

Jesus Christ!  Can this be right?  Actually, no matter how I look at it, it makes a lot of sense.  And the practice is much harder than the preaching, but hey what's new.  Of course, I had to go insane to figure all this stuff out.  Does that make sense?  Probably not.

The journey outside the box is the journey outside the box of language.  Language is the content of sanity.  Without language, there is no sanity.  To travel outside the box is to travel into unchartable territory, where there is no map and there are no names.  There is only experiential truth.  This place is the very experience out of which arises thought, and language, and self.  To travel outside the box is to travel beyond the thinking mind, beyond language, and beyond self.  This is the path beyond sanity, to a nameless unspeakable vision of truth.

And the journey back into the box is the journey back into the world of thought, and language, and self, and ego, and the insecurity and neurosis that is part and parcel of every egoic self.  And yet this journey is how God consciousness communicates the truth to God's creation.  Avatars who leave the box, see the vision, realize that they actually are the vision, then go back into the box to describe the vision come and go.  Some are good, some are awesome.  To describe the nameless using language is to move what is outside the box into the box.  How am I doing?

We are moving into unity consciousness.  There's only one of us; it's all there is.  Victory over conflict itself arrives as opposites forgive one another.  Yin overlooks Yang's shortcomings and he overlooks hers, that they may enjoy each other's company.  Doesn't that sound like a splendid Way? 

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Vajra is a thunderbolt.  it is the lightning in the sky; it is the ego-destroying breakthrough.  The annihilation of the small self reveals the hidden doorway which leads to the open vistas of our own true nature.  The vajra is for people who like to stay up late, go fast, and jump out of perfectly good airplanes.

The vajra path is not the sutra path.  The vajra path is the tantric path.  Its not easy to explain.

Look:  you know the story of the turtle and the hare, who got caught up in a race?  Imagine if they had worked together, so that the turtle carried the rabbit long distances and the rabbit carried the turtle really fast over short distances.  They would be invincible together, right?  The best of both worlds.  But that would require a paradigm shift in their whole relationship; they would have to overcome their natural tendency to compete and instead choose to cooperate.

And so, if we were to use words to describe the process, we might say that the zero-sum game of competition mutates into the nonzero sum game of cooperation over time because of the innate human quality of compassion.  Or in this instance, nonhuman quality.

Compassion is the source of great miracles.  This is the premise of the tantric vajra path.  The psychic quantum universe is nonlinear and nonlocal,  and all feelings are felt by all, nonlinearly and nonlocally, and as a fractal of the holographic cosmos, compassion is the source of great miracles.

And yet this compassion carries with it a tremendous wrathful energy with which it defends its boundaries.  Infinite compassion wrathfully defended by impenetrable boundaries is a formidable combination.  It's the bright lightness of the hare, protected by the heavy armor of the turtle.  Because it's the best of both worlds, it's the breakthrough bomb.  It's the lightning bomb.  Its the vajra.

This compassion is aligned with the dharma.  It is not blind or slavish compassion; it is an intelligent, skillfully guided compassion, which intuits easily what is dharma and what is nondharma.  And by using skillful means the practitioner of the vajra dharma artfully, humorously and nonviolently decapitates heads, annihilating egos for the sake of the truth, tenderly composting the detritus and greeting the new birth with joy.  And so the weeds of nondharma are pulled from the garden of dharma, wrathfully and compassionately, without craving or aversion, by the vajra tantrik or tantrika.  Vajra dharma tantrics are like bodhisattva special forces.  Compassion has moved them to fanaticism, but thankfully, their fanaticism is fueled by compassion.

And so because it is the vajra dharma that is so radically unorthodox in its reach, so comfortable with guerrilla tactics, so potent at overthrowing bigger stronger adversaries by using the opponent's own momentum to create new perspectives of mutual respect and common ground, it is the warriors of the vajra dharma - the indestructible dharma - who vanquish conflict itself, and eternally reign victorious over conflict itself, and end war by practicing peace, and the forgiveness of one's enemies.  All the while wrathfully defending one's boundaries.  This wrathful peace, as it were, is our own inner peace that's worth defending, and needs our skillful means to defend it.  And so we role model the skillful self-defense of inner peace.  And this is tantra.  Vajra tantra - life in the fast lane.  Or rather, spiritual consciousness fully engaged in worldly life.  Not just making it work, but changing the way it works, so that it actually starts working.  Like a breakthrough.  Like a thunderbolt.  Like a vajra.

Like the dharma.  The sacred law.  The sacred Truth.  The Way.  The Way of Truth.  The Way of the Law.  Natural Law.  The Law of Nature.  The Dharma.  The Sacred Way.  The Way of the Law.  The Way of Duty.  Sacred Duty.  Duty to the Law.  The Law of Duty.  This is Dharma.  This is the sacred eternal path, which leads to enlightened societies, which preside over civilizations that span eons and galaxies, only to collapse into a dark age, and rise again...
(I've seen it before)

Ashtanga vinyasa yoga asana

11 But he said to them, a“Not everyone can receive this saying, but only bthose to cwhom it is given.12 For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs dfor the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.”
Matthew Ch. 9

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla

The materialistic view of reality says that humanity ascended from apes, who came from fish, who came from plants, who came from the ocean, basically.  But according to quantum physics, material reality arises out of consciousness.  Consequently, we need to look for a nonmaterialistic, or spiritual view of reality.

The spiritual view of reality says that humanity descended from the nonphysical realm of angels down into physical reality.  Out of ignorance, angels voluntarily downgraded their status in order to enter into physicality, basically because the women were hot and the angels wanted to try sex out.  Desire was the catalyst that cast the angels from heaven into the world - sex desire.  The desire to procreate.  More specifically, angels who wanted to be God and wanted to create in their own image jumped ship so that they could breed to their hearts content.  Poor horny angels, you can't really blame them. 

Angels desired to have sex and have children, and create in their own image.  This led to the creation of space-time, the physical cosmos, biological life, the human race, and all the associated problems.  Angels did the bopping and breeding and samsara is perpetual, you know.  It never ends.  Samsara is desire itself.  It goes on forever.  Samsara is the original A.I. program.  It is the matrix, and worldly desire keeps us trapped in it. 

As long as these fallen angels remain focused on satisfying their desires, they remain trapped in physicality, the human realm, the realm of desire.  Only when they abandon selfishness and set about the great work of serving others do they free themselves from the chains of desire.  From this place, wherein the flowers of the garden inspire us not to pluck but to water, samsara loses its grip on us, and angels ascend to their rightful place once again, not as masters of worldliness but as servants of the most High.

This is the path of the spiritual warrior, and this is the starting premise of any authentic tantric yoga practice.  The mature tantrik or tantrika is steeped in the tapas of brahmachariya.  Or, as Christ would say, there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.  Way to go, guys.  In a world of tinder and polyamory the brahmachari/brahmacharini isn't exactly worried about fitting in.

The heart of tantric practice is facing and making peace with our own negative feelings.  The esoteric mystery of tantra is the esoteric mystery of making peace with the shadow, and thus embracing it as an ally.  Only in such a way may the competition between light and dark, between yin and yang, be transmuted into cooperation.  It is through this technique that peace breaks out in the war of the sexes.

Thus through tantric technique we are able to annihilate our enemies by making allies out of them, as it were.  Tantra is the interweaving of opposites.  Tantra is the technique of healing relationship.  If yoga is the science of revealing the absolute and annihilating the relative, tantra is the technique of revealing the absolute to the relative, and making peace between the two.  The supreme, invincible tantric technique, of course, is the only one that really matters: loving-kindness.

Ashtanga vinyasa yoga asana, in the crazy wisdom tradition of Vajradharma.  Coming soon.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

near term future prognosis

social network broadcasting
entertaining education
welcome home avatars :)

if its not fun nobody joins up.

if its fun everyone joins up.

So make it fun and keep it fun.

Whats that look like?  What kind of online entertainment could hope to engage in the most contentious issues of the day, not merely adding two more cents to the debate but actually resolving the story and moving forward with collective action into a world of peace, prosperity and harmony?

How could online entertainment possibly resolve the debate of the most contentious issues of the day and move forward with collective action into said world?  What sort of dialogue could such characters possibly be engaged in?  In what sort of set and setting would such momentous entertainment take place?  And what precisely would moving forward with collective action look like?

Moving forward with collective action would look a lot like rallying the online social network to get out the vote for Tulsi Gabbard.  Lets get this peace happening already.  And while we're getting the peace vote out, lets get onboard with a popular mandate for a green new deal, one that's cheap and cost-effective and gets us online in sustainable civilization, which is the bottleneck we are fast approaching.

Relatives, lets get Tulsi Gabbard elected President of the United States of America and lets give her a mandate for a cheap kick ass Green New Deal that saves civilization and heals the world and our economies and our ecologies and our souls.

The Green New Deal is simple.  Six axioms.
1.  Lets make gardening the centerpiece of public education.
2.  Lets make meditation the focus of scientific research and development.
3.  Lets make hemp the cornerstone of ecological and economic abundance.
4.  Lets audit and end the Fed, establish a legal/just/sovereign currency, create a vibrant  
     public banking sector, and hold a jubilee year where all non commercial debts are forgiven.
5.  Lets make politicians regularly volunteer in soup kitchens in their respective districts.
6.  Lets make prisons meditation centers that operate as self-sustaining sewage treatment plants.