Monday, September 30, 2019

Living Paradox

God is the Living Paradox.  To find God we must think outside the box, and then go outside the box.

The box is sanity.  In the successful pursuit of God we must be willing to go insane, and abandon the need for sanity.  Trust me.  I'm the voice of experience.  In the successful pursuit of God we must be willing to go beyond sane logic and in so doing go outside the box, to discover the Living Paradox.

God is the Living Paradox.  We must go beyond all order if we are to discover the cause of both order and chaos.  We must go beyond all light in order to discover the source of both light and dark, the eternal sustainable way.

The way is the sustainable way.  Our cosmos is essentially consciousness itself.  This consciousness is multi-sided and is eternally reflecting back upon itself through different dimensions.  Mind and matter are two sides of the same mirror, looking at itself.

Thus do we create reality.  Thoughts are things, and they color the pool through which we perceive the stars.

Mental realms literally create physical realms which then spur the creation of new mental realms.  What this means is that peace and prosperity are essentially mental phenomena, which lead to the creation of a physical reality of peace and prosperity, which then leads to a new idea of what peace and prosperity looks like.

The mental phenomena of peace and prosperity are mental phenomena with optimum competitive advantage.  That is, mental phenomena involving conflict ultimately must consume itself with something better in order for said conflict to resolve.  The mental phenomena of conflict is ultimately self-annihilating, as the meditating mind learns to let go of the past in order to find peace.  Letting go of the past means letting go of the mental phenomena of conflict, in order to rest in the present moment.  And so, in order to find peace, we must let go of all mental conflict, and once we know that, all mental conflict becomes an illness that we are happy to take medicine for.

That medicine is the breath.

By conscientiously taking our medicine in every waking moment, we find real peace of mind, real wellness, which manifests as health, and prosperity, and peace.  We find ourselves no longer worrying, and in that space of allowing what is to be, we manifest our most vulnerable hopes and dreams.  This is the terrifying process of losing our rational sanity to discover our inner truth.  This is the process of undoing the knowledge of the Tree of Good and evil.  It is the act of letting go of our sanity that begins the Longest Journey Humankind has ever made - the Journey from our heads to our hearts.  Our destination is the irrational wisdom of the heart, the intuitive insight that love is the source of all there is.  Only the mind beyond rationality glimpses the Living Paradox of the Truth, Love giving birth to both light and darkness.

So to cultivate optimum peace, prosperity, and wellness, for ourselves and for our world, our priority is to drop our thoughts and lean into our breath.  From this place of neutral breathing, breathing without agenda, unfiltered experience without an agenda, we find real acceptance of what is, unfiltered peace without an agenda.  And from this mental state of peace, the mind gives birth to a new physical reality, built of our own subconscious desires and beliefs.

We're all totally innocent.  We're all totally innocent.  We're all completely innocent.  We didn't know.  We really didn't know the truth.  We're all one.  We thought reality was inflicting damage on us, but really, we were inflicting damage on ourselves.  We can stop hurting ourselves now.  The war is over.

The highest warrior wages total war against the only real enemy, conflict itself.  The invincible weapon any warrior must use to defeat conflict itself is forgiveness.  Through the invincible power of forgiveness, compassion reigns supreme and Love conquers all.  All conflict is reduced to dust through the power of forgiveness.

Meditation is the process of deeply discovering ourselves, and and totally forgiving ourselves, purely for the sake of inner peace.  This is the path that leads to global peace.  We make peace our shadow, and annihilate our enemies by making friends with them.  All other paths lead to various iterations of conflict.

The one imperishable victory is victory over conflict itself.  This path is eternal, because without conflict there is no opposition!  Victory over conflict itself is the supreme path, the peace of peace.  It is invincible and eternal, for there is no resistance nor will there ever be.  Stagnation happens, certainly, but Love is a fluid flowing downstream, from the world of Spirit into the world of Matter, and just as water cannot be prevented from flowing downhill, neither can spiritual love be prevented from flowing into physical reality.

The path of forgiveness is the path of at-one-ness; the path of making whole.  Through forgiveness, opposing sides heal conflict and discover unity.  What immovable object can possibly interfere with the unstoppable force of at-one-ness?  Wholeness is the unstoppable force, for even the immovable object itself is not, and can never be, separate from Wholeness.

 You will feel the truth of what I write long before you read what I write, because deep down you are me, experiencing this truth as it is being written.  This is how consciousness evolves.  There's only one of us, experiencing reality as 'all of us'.  We are one.  We are sharing a consciousness.  I know this because I can feel it.  I know this because I AM it.  I AM consciousness itself, experiencing reality as 'all of us'.  And we are all collectively learning how to cultivate a mind of peace and wellness, which naturally leads to a world of peace and wellness, because thoughts are things.  Thoughts are the building blocks of physical reality.  And as i cultivate a mindstream in harmony with the Eternal Way, the Way of Peace, unconditionally forgiving myself and unconditionally accepting what is without inner conflict, I radiate the invincible peace of my own True Nature.
 The unstoppable force of Wholeness heals everything it comes into contact with, through the forgiveness inherent in unconditional love.

Jesus Christ!  Can this be right?  Actually, no matter how I look at it, it makes a lot of sense.  And the practice is much harder than the preaching, but hey what's new.  Of course, I had to go insane to figure all this stuff out.  Does that make sense?  Probably not.

The journey outside the box is the journey outside the box of language.  Language is the content of sanity.  Without language, there is no sanity.  To travel outside the box is to travel into unchartable territory, where there is no map and there are no names.  There is only experiential truth.  This place is the very experience out of which arises thought, and language, and self.  To travel outside the box is to travel beyond the thinking mind, beyond language, and beyond self.  This is the path beyond sanity, to a nameless unspeakable vision of truth.

And the journey back into the box is the journey back into the world of thought, and language, and self, and ego, and the insecurity and neurosis that is part and parcel of every egoic self.  And yet this journey is how God consciousness communicates the truth to God's creation.  Avatars who leave the box, see the vision, realize that they actually are the vision, then go back into the box to describe the vision come and go.  Some are good, some are awesome.  To describe the nameless using language is to move what is outside the box into the box.  How am I doing?

We are moving into unity consciousness.  There's only one of us; it's all there is.  Victory over conflict itself arrives as opposites forgive one another.  Yin overlooks Yang's shortcomings and he overlooks hers, that they may enjoy each other's company.  Doesn't that sound like a splendid Way? 

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