Friday, October 6, 2017

Yoga Sutras

Forgiveness is required for the Tao to be maintained, because neither yin nor yang is perfect on its own.  This is what is meant when it is said that "Love is the Way."  By love is not meant passionate lust but rather compassionate forgiveness.

Forgiveness is the way forward into sustainable culture, the eternal culture, which has come and gone again a countless eternity of times:  The cycle of yugas.  Forgiveness is the prerequisite for tolerance, which is the prerequisite for sustainability.

In our current economy, "goods" go in and "bads" come out.  That is, natural resources are economic inputs and toxic garbage, contamination, and destruction are economic outputs in our current economic model.  Don't laugh, its true, but don't cry either, because the Way lies before us into sustainable culture, a culture of forgiveness and tolerance.

In sustainable culture "goods" go in and "recycled goods" come out.  In a sustainable system the outputs are resource inputs in the next iteration.

As in the microcosm so in the macrocosm, remember?  The fractal nature of our shared cosmic perspective means that our human bodies are analogous to the body of the planet.  So natural resources go in, and recycled natural resources come out.  See what I mean?  The human body is showing us how to create healthy garbage.

Our garbage must be compostable.  Just as our sewage must be compostable, just as our ego must be compostable.  Remember, the mind cannot find peace - peace returns to letting-go mind.  This letting go mind is mind letting go of the train of thought and returning to the breath.  All trains of thought are egoic inventions, and letting them go to return to the breath is ego death.  It is the composting of the ego into a fresh new ego, which is then composted into fresh new ego, and so on ad infinitum.

Yoga citta vritti nirodhaha.  Now we're here.  Now we've gotten to this point.  We've finally arrived at Yoga citta vritti nirodhaha.  At long last, finally, we've arrived.
Atha yoga-anusasanam.  Now the practice of yoga is being explained.  The practice of yoga goes like this:  Yoga citta vritti nirodhaha.  Yoga is the suspension of mental chatter.

Mental chatter is the ego.  Yoga is the suspension of the ego.   Now the practice of yoga is being explained.

Atha yoga-anusasanam.  Yoga citta vritti nirodhaha.

Now the practice of yoga is being explained.  Yoga is the suspension of mental chatter.

Yoga is the composting of the ego.  The mind cannot find peace - peace returns to letting-go mind.  Peace returns to composted mind.  Yoga is the return to peace.  Yoga is the return to the empty, contentless awareness of breath, posture, sensation and sense phenomena.

Yoga is the return to emptiness.  Yoga is decentralized awareness, perception with no perceiver.

Meditation is the composting of the ego, with every breath, noticing how often we go all the way under and then come right back up again.

And according to the fractal nature of the universe, so in the microcosm so in the macrocosm.  The world out there must be composted if it is to be sustainable.  Oh, its forgiveness that gives us a healthy, humorous, and humble ego, by the way.  First and foremost we forgive ourselves and then we forgive everyone else, on a daily or hourly basis if need be.  But I'm getting confused - am I talking about the microcosm or the macrocosm?

The human body reveals to us how to deal with our minds and our cultures - we deal with them precisely the same way, by making sure that their outputs can sustain their inputs.  We must compost our waste, relatives, we must compost our waste and compost our thoughts.  This is referred to in the tantric world as root yoga - root chakra yoga.

I honestly wonder if anyone else knows this shit besides me

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