Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Permaculture is yoga

Relatives, we live in a fractal universe.  The Big patterns of the universe - the macrocosm - are recapitulated in the microcosm.  This is the doctrine of signatures - as above, so below, as within, so without, as in the macrocosm, so in the microcosm.

We will have a short visual tour of our cosmos:

Relatives, as above, so below.  As within, so without.  As in the macrocosm, so in the microcosm.  The part is a fractal of the whole, and vice versa.

Relatives - as in the ecology, so in the psychology, and vice versa.  An integrated holism of holons 'out there' is recapitulated by an integrated holism of holons 'in here.'    The subjective experience is a fractal of the objective universe.  Form is a fractal of emptiness, and emptiness is a fractal of form.

Relatives - permaculture is yoga.  Do you see?  

Sustainable civilization is a holistic, integrated ecology of parts working together for optimal sustainability.  Yoga asana may be described precisely the same way.  Physiology is somatic psychology.  The body - the physical universe - is just the unconscious, the universe being mind-made and all.

According to Albert Einstein (and Karl Marx, and just about everyone else) capitalism is the predatory phase of human evolution, destined to be replaced by a global socialism wherein everyone and all life is regarded as sacred and priceless.  Literally unprice-able - that is, cannot be bought or sold, regarded as existing beyond any materialistic, mammon-centered value system.  The trouble, according to Eistein, is that socialism always ends up being centrally planned, which ruins everything.  As we can see here in contemporary America, capitalism ends up being centrally planned as well, which means that the whole communism/capitalism dichotomy is a false one.  The real challenge is creating a sustainably decentralized planning committee.  In his tremendously powerful article Einstein humbly acknowledges that he does not know how to resolve the challenges of central planning, and puts his faith in future generations to figure it out.

And so we have, relatives, and so we have.  You are using the decentralized planning committee to read this article - the internet is our decentralized planning committee.  It is through the internet that we will voluntarily distribute economic resources to where they are needed most.  

Dwight Eisenhower once said, "I think the people of the world want peace so bad, one of these days the government's going to have to get out of the way and let 'em have it."  I love this man, and I love that he said this wonderful sentence, and now we are well into the challenging process of leaving government behind in order to create a world of true peace and prosperity.  We are entering the post-government age, can you smell the fear?  We are doing so with decentralized online planning committees and decentralized cryptocurrencies.  My point, which cannot be overlooked in these powerful, transformative times, is that this process also requires decentralizing our ecologies and decentralizing our psychologies.  

Ecological resource management is the foundation of economics.  America wages total war to steal other nations natural resources - this is America's vaunted and terrible economic strength.  Totally nuts, and totally unsustainable.  If your inputs are other people's resources and your outputs are war, then you run out of everything.  Bombing other countries to steal their resources is not good economic policy - it is a lot like killing the goose who lays golden eggs.  We can do better, and we already are.    We must manage our economies at an ecological scale, investing in ecological sustainability and reaping economic dividends.

And relatives, we must transcend our own egos, the central planner of our holistic-integrated-ecology-of-parts-working-together.  We must decentralize our consciousness by listening more to our gut instincts, feeling our emotions, listening to what our bodies are telling us, slowing down by following the breath into a place of empty listening, and allowing the experience of deeply feeling the body to arise.

Relatives, permaculture is yoga.  A holistic, integrated, near effortless, optimally nourished ecology of parts is permaculture, and this is also yoga.  As within, so without.  Yoga is the personal, subjective return to unity and oneness, whereas permaculture - the Great Remembering of the Eternal Culture - is our collective, objective return to unity and oneness.

We subdue the deep state by subduing the deep ego.  We decentralize our planning even as we decentralize the planner.  the whole cosmos is inside my body, and I am creating a far more improved reality as I learn to dissolve myself into emptiness(shunyata)...

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