Sunday, November 17, 2019

an enlightened age

Yang rebranded Yin for political purposes.

The ancient play of opposites, duality, always follows the same pattern:
Yang judges Yin and condemns her, and thus out of Yang and Yin, Right and Wrong are born.  Good and Bad evolve out of Oneness through judgment.  The consequence of judgment is condemnation, which requires punishment.  Thus the play of duality, which begins as an effortless and loving embrace, always collapses into judgment, punishment, guilt, betrayal, and shame.  This is the fall into darkness.

Without judgment one must practice discriminating awareness.  Without discriminating awareness there is chaos.  Without infinite compassion and mercy there is conflict and war.

With gardening and meditation as the two cornerstones of public education, the world is entering into an age of sustainable civilization; an enlightened age.

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