Thursday, September 16, 2021

Let Freedom reign


 While Joe Biden forces companies to force workers to get vaccinated or else, Vladimir Putin says "no one should be forced to get a jab.  Pressure, where people may lose their jobs, is even less acceptable."

So the inescapable conclusion is that Vladimir Putin is now the leader of the Free World.   

Freedom is in good hands, actually.  With Avangarde hypersonic missiles, 5th generation warplanes that outperform the competition, million-dollar anti-ship missiles that make billion-dollar aircraft carriers obsolete, electronic counter-measures that shut down Imperial radar, and S-400/S-500 strategic deterrence, freedom is fiercely well-defended.  It must be, for it is under attack from all directions by Imperial Fascist forces.  It is a war for survival:  A global fascist empire cannot coexist with sovereign nation-states.  Something has to give, and Russia's sovereign self-defence capabilities means freedom isn't going anywhere.  Jesus Christ Amen.

"The corporate state is the fascist state," is a quote famously attributed to Mussolini.  And according to Both Stanford University and former President Jimmy Carter, America is no longer a functioning democracy. 

We have seen Empire, and it is us.

Rome is falling, relatives.  Imperial fascism is collapsing under its own obese, corrupt weight.  Man cannot have two masters, for he will love the one and hate the other.  Western Civilization has turned its back on God in order to worship mammon.  We have been manipulated into abandoning the innate spirituality that is our birthright, in order to worship at the altar of materialism.  But the truth is coming to light, and all that is hidden is being revealed.  The age of Aquarius is the age of information, the age of transparency.  And so we are witnessing the fall of mammon's Empire. 

Turn your backs on mammon's Empire, relatives.  The time has come for America to look at itself honestly in the mirror and acknowledge the truth of what it sees.  The time has come to turn our backs on mammon's Empire, an empire of material wealth, and remember our relationship with Spirit  - the world that cannot be bought or sold, the world of values where love and loyalty and trust and solidarity and forgiveness and compassion and tolerance and peace and fairness and freedom are ideas worth believing in, defending, and sacrificing for.  Humanity is making the longest journey we have ever made:  We are making the journey from our heads to our hearts. 

...but i digress.  In brief:

In Putin's Russia, oligarchs defer to the government.

In Biden's America, the government defers to the oligarchs.

In Putin's Russia, corporations are beholden to the sovereign State.

In Biden's America, the sovereign State is beholden to the corporations.

America is fascist, relatives.  All the pseudo-intellectual conservative commentaries are warning about the perils of socialism or communism, claiming that America is being taken over by communists.  They are wrong.  Since when does communism have corporate sponsorship, with the backing of George Soros and international capital?  If the too-big-to-fail-global capital banks and their cartels are sponsoring a regime change, that's not socialism.  Socialism would nationalize the too-big-to-fail cartels, and invest the profits into public service.  Like Yugoslavia used to, before we bombed them.  

No.  When the largest corporate cartels in the world are sponsoring a regime change for profit, that's not socialism.  That's fascism.  That's the for-profit corporate state infringing on sovereign rights.  America is a fascist empire, opposed by a rebel alliance of national sovereign governments with a track record of nationalizing corporations and investing the profits into public service.

We have seen the enemy, and it is us, relatives.  And as we see the devastation our deceit has caused, to the world and ourselves, we at long last come of age, to a maturity that allows us to look at ourselves, our loved ones, our veterans, and the world at large, and speak the words of the Hawaiian Ho'o Pono Pono prayer:

I love you

I'm sorry

Please forgive me

Thank you

... This is what must be done, for us to regain our integrity.  For our integrity is the source of our strength.  America has lost its strength, because America has lost its integrity.  And a heartfelt prayer for forgiveness, not merely from God but equally from our fellow man, is the path of healing into wholeness.  Where there is no part of humanity left out, no aspect of the living world of nature bereft of the sacred and divinity. 

Victor Hugo said, 

"No army in the world can stop an idea whose time has come,"  

Buckminster Fuller said, 

"Its all of us or none of us,"  

and Dwight Eisenhower said, 

"I think the people of this world want peace so bad, one of these days the government is going to have to get out of the way and let them have it." 

Relatives, that day has come.  It's all of us or none of us, and we all want peace so bad the government is gonna have to get out of the way and let us have it.  No army in the world can stop us.  No army in the world wants to.  It's our army.  It's composed of, entirely and exclusively, us.  Because we are all related, and its all of us or none of us.  Me vs. You, or Us vs. Them,  is archaic, obsolete and self-destructive.  Humanity is in this together.  Survival is a non-zero sum game.  It's all of us or none of us.

So let us remember the necessary virtue of tolerance, wherein we tolerate differences that we do not necessarily embrace or even enjoy.  We tolerate differences, because we know that we are part of the family of humanity, which is part of the web of life, which is a sacred mystery. 

And let us equally heed the necessary virtue of justice, which exists quite literally to protect and defend the vulnerable from exploitation.  In an unjust world the weak are defenseless against the strong.  It requires justice for the vulnerable to be safe and free.  A civilization is judged according to how well it treats its most vulnerable.  A civilized world treats its people with justice.


Privilege is a responsibility.  Privilege is the responsibility to serve those less privileged.  The West has been corrupted into believing that privilege is the opportunity to exploit those less privileged.   In business this is referred to as arbitrage.  It is becoming increasingly clear that treating privilege as a responsibility to serve leads to a sustainable civilization, whereas treating privilege as an opportunity to exploit leads to the collapse of civilization.  How do we choose to live with our privilege?

The good news is, serving others makes us happy.  Trying to be happy by being selfish is like trying to get a suntan on a submarine.  It's just not going to work.  And so we are witnessing the death throes of late-stage capitalism, a bleeding monster that cries out defiantly, "He who dies with the most toys wins!" even as it gasps its last breath.  Rational self-interest isn't wrong, it just hasn't been thought through enough.  Dying with the most toys doesn't make us happy.  We've tried it.  Look at Bezos.  Serving others makes us happy.  The challenge then becomes maintaining healthy boundaries, wherein we properly take care of our own needs SO THAT we may properly care of the needs of others.  We can anticipate that this will get a lot easier once the for-profit cartel is forcibly removed from public service.  Imagine a government that exists to serve us, and aspires to serve us better- how will that change our willingness and ability to serve others?  With this simple axiom we enter the new paradigm.

Edgar Cayce said, "Look to Russia for the hope of the world."  He medically diagnosed 20,000 people psychically with a track record of 100% accuracy.  Not a bad psychic.  Mammon's Empire is collapsing under its own weight, with some help from a rebel alliance led by spiritual, non-materialistic values.  It actually makes complete sense.  Thoughts are things, and the material universe is governed by spiritual law.  We create what we believe, and energy flows where attention goes.  And so we continue to pray for peace, and witness the resulting victory, true Victory - victory over conflict itself.  

This is the Way.  This is the Dharma.  The dark age of materialism is over.  An era of spiritual awakening has returned.  Welcome to the dawning of a new age.

We've got a lot to accomplish.  Let's begin.

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