Saturday, March 3, 2018

Also Sprach Quetzlcoatl

"Being well adjusted to a sick society is not a sign of health."
By the time I was 6 years old, I knew that grown ups wanted to eat me.  I didin't exactly understand what was going on, but I knew I was a highly desirable commodity and that if I didn't take the necessary countermeasures I would be consumed.  I learned young how to deflect predatory attention.  As it turns out, it was sexual energy they were after, but at age 6 I had no idea.  After puberty the pieces finally came together and it all made sense.  Being taken advantage of, and taking advantage of others in turn, is the fundamental nature of our dysfunctional relationship with the Other - displayed in the macrocosm by the neo-colonialist great powers and in the microcosm by our predatory, fight-or-flight sexual neurosis...

In the story of Hamlet, the rightful ruler is murdered and the throne is usurped by an imposter, the evil uncle.  Hamlet is the true heir to the throne, but he has no power and is at the mercy of evil tyranny.  There is no way to defend himself, so he plays crazy to stay safe.  But to make his act believable, he has to really play crazy - so well he begins to believe it himself.  Just like Heath Ledger in Batman, there comes a point where Hamlet is no longer acting - he has internalized the role.

Like Jesus being hidden in a manger, or Moses being hidden in a basket of reeds, or Aragorn being hidden by the Rangers, or the One Ring being hidden in the care of hobbits, or Cinderella, or King Arthur... The tool destined to overthrow Empire is nurtured in an environment of profound humility in order to stay below the radar of the Shadow.  This is The Hero's Journey.
Hamlet hides in plain sight, by putting oatmeal on his head and talking to the furniture.  His performance works, and he is judged to be mostly harmless.  He thus stays alive, but at a cost too great to bear.  Yet slowly, slowly, the bad karma of the evil tyrant comes home to roost, until at long last, when the usurper is already against the ropes, a purified and wrathful Hamlet rises up with righteous fury and smites the tyrant down, restoring order to the kingdom.  It costs him everything, but no big deal.

Our nation and our world have been taken over by satanic secret societies who feed on sexual energy and human sacrifice.  Sad but true.  I have known this my whole life, and I have stayed in the shadows playing crazy harmless so as to survive.  It hasn't been an act - when I was young, it was obvious to me that I knew the truth in a world that depended on lies, but the world showed me how dangerous that attitude was, and I quickly learned that I was merely insane for thinking the world could possibly be wrong.  Worldly authorities breathed a sigh of relief when I stopped believing in myself, and I breathed a sigh of relief when the worldly authorities stopped perceiving me as a threat to the status quo.

But relatives, the Emperor has no clothes.  Or rather -

The Empire has no ethics.

It is with a tremendous amount of savage joy that I now witness the downfall of these satanic secret societies and their corporate organs.  The age of Aquarius is the age of Transparency, where the hidden truth is coming to light and the world of shadows is exposed for all to see.  As they grow weaker I grow stronger, and as I grow stronger they grow weaker.   Too late they see me for who I really am, too late they see what I am here to accomplish.

  Not really - they have actually been anticipating my arrival, and hoping for my success.
Because they are lost, and I know the way.   Forgiveness is the key - not a  strong suit of collapsing  Empire. Hence the need for a better, more sustainable Way.
Thanks, assholes.

  "I think the people of the world want peace so bad, one of these days government is going to have to get out of the way and let them have it."
-Dwight Eisenhower

No army in the world can stop an idea whose time has come, and world peace is that idea.  Global peace and prosperity are within our grasp, and only the Deep State stands in our way.  Now is the time to strike.  The Golden Age is upon us, and a vast army of spiritual avatars have reincarnated for this purpose.

Relatives, take heed - this is the political platform upon which sustainable world peace is founded:

1-  Gardening must be the centerpiece of public education.

2-  Industrial hemp must be the cornerstone of economic and ecological rehabilitation.

3-  Meditation must be the focus of scientific research and development.

4-  Usurious, privately owned central banks must be abolished, odious debts must be forgiven, and
      auditable blockchain technology must be used to ensure voting transparency.

5-  Publicly elected representatives must spend one third of their term in office managing soup
     kitchens in their respective districts.

These five self-evident axioms lead to sustainable civilization -  Eternal Culture.

I preached this quietly, terrified of everything, over five years ago in the shadow of Chichen Itza on December 21 2012.  No one heard me, which was just how it needed to be.  If it could have been different, it would have been different.  No one was ready, especially me.  But since then, recreational ganja is the latest big thing, besides crypto currency.  Either God is listening to me, or I am listening to God, but basically it's just the act of pouring water into water, with no real separation between the two...  The consciousness of the Truth inhabits me, it is the very source of my being -  of whom shall I be afraid?  I may be crazy, but I am not wrong, not about this.  

Relatives, as above, so below.  As within, so without.  As in the microcosm, so in the macrocosm.  Reality is a fractal hologram - as in the part, so in the whole.   What this means is that by healing ourselves, we heal the world.  This is the premise of yoga, which translates as 'union.'  The union of disparate parts leads to wholeness - the union of left and right, the union of back and front, the union of right and wrong, the union of self and other, the union of  body and mind, the union of "in here" and "out there," the union of man and God...  as this union, or yoga, takes place within the body, it is recapitulated in the body's external environment - as within, so without.  The arising of actual 'yoga' anywhere is a non local event - when yoga arises anywhere, it arises everywhere, because this wholeness is recapitulated throughout the entirety of fractals that compose the hologram of the cosmos. As within, so without.  The yogi experiences union and becomes whole, becoming the whole universe... by healing the hologram of the self, the yogi makes whole the entirety out of which the pattern of the cosmos arises.

This is happening now.  Legitimate, well-respected think tanks are predicting a stock market crash of 40 to 50%.   China will begin purchasing Saudi oil using gold-backed yuan by the end of March, ending the petrodollar era and bringing about the long awaited economic reset.  13,000 sealed indictments are on the books in the U.S, and a contract was issued for private contractors to upgrade Guantanamo to house 13,000 inmates, plus 5,000 guards (sources here)...   This spring we are entering the long-awaited purification and healing that ushers in the golden age, the age of Aquarious.  This purification is a burning away of all that doesn't serve us - the overtly fascist Deep State is being purged from the world.

 Relatives, as within, so without.  The kundalini in my body is so strong I actually have a burn on my sacrum. But rather than the terrible consequences I have suffered in years past from this purification by fire, at long last I am experiencing greater and greater well-being.  I have already experienced the piercing of the granthis, kechari mudra, and what I can only describe as feeling squeezed like a tube of toothpaste and getting covered in moola bandha... What else remains?  My body is healing to the point of wholeness.   The great purification and healing coming to the world 'out there' is merely the recapitulation of the great purification and healing that is taking  place in my world 'in-here' - the universe of my own somatic psychology.  I hypothesize that when China actually begins to buy oil using gold-backed yuan, and the stock market collapses, and the Military Industrial Complex loses its financial footing, and the mass arrests are made and the truth of secret societies is revealed, my own Deep Ego will be purged from my inner cosmos, kundalini will ascend my center channel, and I will at long last arrive home, and remember everything...

I has been my great privilege to undergo the fiery purification of yoga,  and it has burned away so much of me it feels sometimes like only the Truth remains.  But I know all too well that impurities dwell within me, and ignorance clouds my vision.  How can I help but doubt myself?  I have chained myself to the bottom of a pool filled with self-doubt and drowned; only there am I safe.  How can I help but fear my insane delusions of grandeur?  I keep myself in a prison of worthlessness and self-deprecation; surely such pathetic egomania requires such corrective measures!  And yet - my argument is compelling, is it not?  My logic is formidable, is it not?  My conclusions are both reasonable and profound, are they not?  I seem to suffer from a brilliantly sane insanity, surely I am a danger to the world!  And so I have ex-communicated myself - but what if my cherished self-doubt and self-deprecation are merely inappropriate survival tools I have outgrown?  Is it permissible to let my light shine, at long last?  I have to see who I really am, relatives, I have to let myself free, and you are reading this as a consequence...
Great healing remains, within all of us, yet it has already been accomplished.  Deep within me is the seed of yoga; it is the source of my being.  I have seen the nature of my own intrinsic wholeness, and my search is over.  The Kingdom of Heaven is indeed within me, and I am home. All that is left is to allow the unfolding to take place within the matrix of space-time, peacefully accepting each moment of infinity precisely as it is...
Relatives, it is yoga itself - unified, nondual consciousness - that is truly the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.   Only the ego's fear of annihilation and death prevents us from dissolving back into our original nondual state, out of which duality (and thus separation) primordially arose.  Yoga is merely the dissolution of the individual, discrete personality, so that only wholeness remains...

  This journey from yoga to yoga, from oneness as original source to oneness as final destination, is the journey through all desire to desire's end, the abandonment of all preference in favor of unconditional acceptance of phenomena as it is.  Ironically, it is only from this place of unconditional acceptance that we are free of our reactivity to the past, and thus free to truly create a world of peace and prosperity...

This extraordinary evolution - this path of yoga - has been my path for as long as I can remember (and surely long before that), and I am writing this because I feel myself arriving at a tremendous new equilibrium, the completion of a personal spiritual evolution that fractally corresponds to the arrival of a new collective era in human civilization...

In the words of Gurudeva Subramuniyaswami, the founder of Kauai's Hindu Monastery:
"Yoga does not mean just sitting in lotus for a half an hour each day in a penthouse or doing hatha yoga asanas for health and beauty.  It means yoga as performed by the yogis of yore, the renegades from society, tapasvins ready to face the fire of sadhana, brave souls who have given up all else in their search for Truth, persevering with an iron will until they accomplish what they seek."

I would comment that I don't have an iron will to speak of.  My yoga is not the product of an iron will, but rather the consequence of divine grace, and I am overwhelmed with gratitude...

I am writing of  'my' journey, but perhaps I should edit this so it collectively refers to 'our' journey, for 'my' journey is recapitulated by 'your' journey, is it not?  Is not the journey of the individual a fractal pattern of the journey of the collective?  Is not 'my' journey 'our' journey?  Do we not share the same primordial consciousness, as the ground of all our perceived individual experience?  I posit that if 'you' are reading what 'I' have written, then 'we' are actually one collective consciousness, perceiving itself as primordially empty, like a mirror being held in front of a vast number of mirrors, utterly free to create whatever we choose to believe...
Relatives, we are making the longest journey humankind has ever made.  We are making the journey from our heads to our hearts.  The dawning of the Sat Yuga has begun.

It's time.  Lend a hand.  We've got a lot to accomplish-

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